
Home Insecticides AC Lux Liquid

AC Lux Liquid


Systemic insecticide with contact-stomach action for reliable control of a wide range of pests on many agricultural crops.

Active ingredient: Acetamiprid, 200 g/l

Preparative form: Suspension concentrate

Chemical group: Neonicotinoids



Compatible with other pesticides and agrochemicals. Before preparing working mixtures, it is advisable to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, stratification, whipping into heaps, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.).

  • Maximum number of treatments per season – 2.
  • The waiting period from the last treatment to harvest is 30 days, in greenhouses – 3 days, on non-agricultural lands – not established.
  • The rate of consumption of the working solution: field crops – 200-300 l/ha; fruit plantations – 500-1000 l/ha (depending on the volume of tree crowns); closed ground – up to 1200 l/ha.


  • Features of application

The working solution of the preparation is used in the recommended rates by continuous spraying during the growing season when pests appear (if the EPS level is exceeded). It is recommended to carry out work in the morning – (before 10) and evening (18-22) hours at a minimum wind speed (no more than 2 m/s), in greenhouses – with proper ventilation. It is necessary to ensure sufficient and uniform coverage of the treated crop without running off the working solution. The optimum temperature for application is +10…+25 °C. It is not recommended to use the preparation when crops are under stress (during drought, excessive soil moisture, disease, frost damage, etc.).

The preparation is moderately toxic to bees and bumblebees. According to long-term studies, treatments can be carried out in the evening, night and morning hours (when there is no active flight of pollinators) during the flowering period of rapeseed and fruit plantations.

  • Advantages of the preparation:
    control of a wide range of pests;
    easy-to-use preparation form;
    applicable to a wide range of crops;
    low toxicity to pollinators;
    possibility of application during the flowering period of crops.