
Home Insecticides Anticolorad


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Combined highly effective contact-system insecticide of broad spectrum with repellents to protect crops from a pest complex.

  • Active ingredient: Imidacloprid, 150 g/l + lambda-cyhalothrin, 50 g/l.
  • Preparative form: Suspension concentrate.
  • Chemical group: Neonicotinoids + pyrethroids.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with other pesticides and agrochemicals, except alkaline. However, before preparing a tank mixture of pesticides it is necessary to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, stratification, kneading, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.)
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  • Mechanism of action: Contact-systemic action.

The mechanism of double action is the defeat of the central nervous system of the pest, which causes its rapid death. The combination of a non-systemic insecticide, which has a strong contact, intestinal and long-term residual action, with a highly effective contact-gastric insecticide systemic action gives a new level of activity in the fight against the objectives of the entire complex of pests of many cultures. The drug shows repellent properties.

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0.5l, 1l, 5l