- Mechanism of action: Contact-systemic action with fumigation effect.
- Pirimiphos-methyl: Organophosphorous substance reduces cholinesterase activity, which leads to disruption of hormonal regulation of metabolic processes and dehydration of cells in pest organisms.
- Pyridaben: It affects the central nervous system of the pest that causes its death. Has a strong contact, intestinal and prolonged systemic protective action against the main stages of the pest complex (egg – larva – nymph – adult mite).
Acetamiprid: Quite quickly absorbed by the leaf surface and spread across all parts of the plant and a new growth. Phytotoxic action is manifested by affecting the nervous system of the pest, which leads to death from excessive nervous excitement and paralysis.
- The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: 2.
- Waiting period from processing to harvest:
– ornamental crops (including flowers) – 3 days;
– other crops – 30 days. - The rate of application of the working mixture:
– Field crops, ornamental crops (flowers): 250-350 l/ha (2.5-3.5 l/100m²);
– fruit and berry plantings, citrus fruits: 600-1200 l/ha (6.0-12 l/100m²) (depending on the phase of development and age of plantations);
– grapes – 600-800 l/ha (6.0-8.0 l/100m²).
To prepare the working mixture, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture. - Recommendation: In order to maximize the effectiveness of the action, it is necessary to ensure uniform coverage of plants from all parts of the leaf. Spraying is recommended before the massive development of adult mites. After the application of the preparation of the egg, the larvae and nymphs of the mites die, and the imago continues life, laying off sterile eggs. The larvae are not regenerated from the laid eggs, and adult mites die within 10 days. Therefore, the visual effect of the drug may appear within 7-10 days.
The working mixture of the preparation is introduced in the recommended norms (see Table) by continuous spraying during the growing season when pests appear (if the EPO is exceeded). Works are recommended to be carried out in the morning (before 10) and evening (18-22) hours with a minimum wind speed (no more than 5 m/s). Spraying is carried out by uniform coating of the aboveground parts of plants with a mixture and sufficient wetting of the entire leaf surface from all sides without draining from the treated surface. The use of the drug is most optimal at an air temperature of 15-25°C. The interval between treatments is 14-21 days. It is not recommended to use the drug under unfavorable conditions (in cold or very hot weather, with excessive moisture and during the period when the culture is in a depressed state), and when the leaves of the crops are wet after precipitation. - Toxicity: WHO classification: 3rd hazard class.
- Timeframes for employees to enter the treated areas after processing for mechanized/manual work:
– Field crops – 3/3;
– Fruit and berry plantations, grapes, citrus fruits – 3/7;
– decorative – 3/3. - The advantages of the drug:
Extremely wide range of pests to be destroyed in many crops, including fruit and berries;
acts against the main stages of development of the tick (egg – larva – nymph – adult tick);
Universal in use (contact, systemic and fumigation action);
the possibility of use in anti-resistant protection programs (there is no cross-resistance with other acaricides);
provides high efficiency of action against pests that have latent stages of development in their cycle;
compatible with other pesticides and agrochemicals, except alkaline.