- Mechanism of action: Contact-systemic action. Mancozeb is a contact fungicide that provides external protection of the plant, forming on it a “protective film” and at the same time is the main link of resistance to other diseases. Metalaxyl is quickly absorbed and transported inside the plant, protecting it, incl. a new increase, regardless of the infectious load. It inhibits the growth of mycelium in plant tissues, prevents sporulation and has post-infection activity.
- The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: 3.
- Waiting period from last processing to harvesting:
– grapes, fruit and berry plantations – 30 days;
– Vegetable – 20 days;
– melons – 10 days.
- The rate of application of the working mixture:
– Fruit and berry plantations 500-1000 l/ha (5,0-10 l/100m²);
– grapes 500-800 l/ha (5,0-8,0 l/100m²);
– field cultures of 200-300 l/ha (2.0-3.0 l/100m²).
To prepare the working mixture, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture.
- Recommendation: The CELITEL should be used prophylactically, that is, until the visible symptoms of the disease develop on cultivated plants. The first treatment should be done before the onset of the disease, but no later than the closing of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers in the ranks. The last spraying period for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers is the cessation of active growth of the stem. After the last treatment, no more than 7 days later, it is advisable to spray the contact fungicide GART. CELITEL can be used 2-3 times per season, with an interval between treatments of 10-14 days. At a high risk of the disease, reduce the intervals between treatments (up to 10 days). The technology of high-quality preparation and application of the working mixture mixed with micro- and macrofertilizers at the beginning of spreading and development of diseases, as well as optimal weather conditions for carrying out protective measures, is a guarantee of effective action of the drug.
- Toxicity: WHO classification: 3rd hazard class.
- The terms of the employees’ exit after processing for mechanized works are 3 days, manual – 7 days.
- The advantages of the drug:
reliable protection against diseases even in adverse weather conditions;
increases the endurance of the crop and provides an increase in the yield increase;
penetrates into the untreated parts of the plant, indelible by rain;
protects potatoes when stored in storage.