


Contact fungicide preventive and curative effect from a wide range of pathogens of fungal diseases.

  • Active substance: Copper hydroxide, 770 g/kg.
  • Form of preparation: Powder that is wetted.
  • Chemical group: The drug of the copper group.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with other pesticides, with the exception of organophosphates (ANTIKLECH MAX, DIMEVIT, CHLOROPIRIVIT-AGRO) and preparations, form a low-acid reaction of the tank mixture (pH below 5.5). Before preparing the working mixtures, it is advisable to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, stratification, whipping, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.).


  • Mechanism of action: Upon contact with the treated surface, spores of fungi absorb copper, and this prevents their germination and cell division. Copper leads to a disturbance in the metabolism of pathogens by inhibiting many enzymatic reactions, which significantly reduces their aggressive effect on a cultivated plant.

Gart table_en

  • The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: 4.
  • The waiting period from the last processing to harvest is 30 days.
  • The rate of application of the working mixture:
    When processing vineyards – 500-800 l/ha (5.0-8.0 l/100m²) for fruit 500-1000 l/ha (5.0-10 l/100m²)), in the field crops – 200-300 l/ha (3,0-5,0 l/100m²)). Repeated treatments are carried out with an interval of 7-10 days, depending on the weather conditions and the infectious background.
    To prepare the working solution, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the required calculated amount of the drug is added to the tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture.
  • Recommendation: The working mixture of the drug is introduced in the recommended standards (see Table), In the morning (before 10) or evening (18-22) times with a wind speed of not more than 5 m/s, with an air temperature of no higher than 25°C, with using a knapsack, rod or fan sprayer on the appropriate crops. The best result is provided with the use of the drug prophylactically or at early stages of infection development – until the appearance of visible symptoms of disease. Preventive treatments against primary infection are carried out at the beginning of the growing season, additional treatments are performed to prevent the spread of the disease or when its first signs appear. Do not spray for 4-5 hours before or after precipitation.
    An important factor for the effective action of the drug is the quality of the coating during spraying (sufficient wetting of the entire leaf surface without draining the working mixture from the treated surface). It is necessary to prevent the use of water, the pH of which is below 5 and above 10, since with this acidity the preparation decomposes to copper oxide.
  • Toxicity: WHO classification: 2nd danger class (dangerous if exposed to eyes).
  • The timeframe for workers to enter the treated areas for mechanized works is 3 days, for manual ones – 7 days after treatment.
  • The advantages of the drug:
    highly effective against many pathogens of fungal diseases;
    low application rate;
    starts to act immediately after application;
    protects the plant from spring frosts;
    safe for the environment.

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