- Mechanism of action: Systemic herbicide of continuous action. The active substance is an inhibitor of the enzymatic system, which is responsible for the synthesis of aromatic amino acids. Getting on the plant, it penetrates through its aerial parts to the root system, blocking the enzymatic processes, which leads to the death of weeds.Spectrum of action: Annual and perennial cereals and dicotyledonous weeds.
- The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season is 1 (2 if necessary). The waiting period from processing to harvesting is not established. During desiccation – 14 days.
- The rate of application of the working mixture: ground spraying as herbicide 150-200 l/ha; 1,5-2,0 l/100m²; aviation – 70-120 l/ha. To prepare the working solution, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture.
It is advisable to use Glyphovit on actively vegetating weeds: at a plant weed height of up to 10-15 cm or in a phase of 3-5 leaves. Do NOT conduct tillage before and after application of the herbicide for 7-10 days. It is not recommended to use at temperatures below 12 ° C or above 25 ° C. Do not spray if the weeds are under stress. The absence of rain during 5:00 after spraying is a prerequisite for obtaining maximum results, otherwise the efficiency is significantly reduced. - Recommendation: For the complete destruction of perennial root-weed species of weeds (sow-plants, bindweed, etc.), the rate of drug consumption should be increased to the maximum. In case of intensive clogging in autumn it is recommended to use tank mixtures: Glyfovit, 4.0 l/ha + GOLIATH, 0.7-0.8 l/ha or Glyphovite, 4 l/ha + AGENT, 0.4 l/ha, fertilizer 5% of the working mixture.
- WHO classification: 3 hazard class.
- The timeframe for workers to enter the treated areas for mechanized works is 3 days, for manual ones – 7 days after treatment.
- Advantages:
highly efficient herbicide of continuous action;
application of the drug in the period of intensive growth of weeds (but before the beginning of their flowering) allows you to completely get rid of all malignant perennial species;
There is no aftereffect on subsequent crops that are in a crop rotation;
does not accumulate in environmental objects;
practically non-toxic to warm-blooded animals and safe for the environment;
may be used as desiccants before harvesting;
maximum savings in material and technical resources.