
Home Herbicides Miladar


35,00 140,00 

Post-emergence systemic herbicide for the destruction of annual, perennial grasses and some dicotyledonous weeds in the corn crops.

  • Active ingredient: Nicosulfuron, 45 g / l.
  • Form of preparation: Concentrate of suspension.
  • Chemical group: Sulfonylurea derivative.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with most pesticides and agrochemicals, except alkaline, in appropriate crops. Before preparing the working mixtures, it is advisable to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, whipping, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.). Combine only those components that match the recommended processing time, taking into account the development phase of the crop. Do not make tank mixtures with drugs from the group of organophosphorus compounds. The interval between such treatments is 7 days.
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  • Mechanism of action: Herbicide of systemic action. Nicosulfuron stops cell division by blocking the processes that are responsible for the biosynthesis of basic amino acids. Processed weeds quickly stop growing.Post-emergence systemic herbicide for the destruction of annual, perennial grasses and some dicotyledonous weeds in corn crops.Range of action:Sensitive weeds: wild oats, field mustard, shepherd’s bag, stellate middle, millet chicken, millet (species), wheatgrass (species), finger (species), raisin creeping, radish wild, field novel, chamomile (species) .Medium-sensitive weeds: ragweed (species), potherchia, chirch (species).Weeds are insensitive: weeds are vast, nettle is deaf purple, chicken points are field, garden sower, bedstraw is tenacious, annual protuberant, marsh sweeper, annual chipper, common shgelgel.

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  • The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: one. The waiting period from processing to harvesting is not established.
  • The rate of application of the working mixture: – 150-250 l/ha; 2,0-2,5 l/100m². To prepare the working solution, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture.
    Optimum phase of development of weeds at the time of spraying: annual cereal – 2-3 leaves, perennial cereals – at a height of 10-15 cm, sensitive annual cereal – cotyledons – 2 true leaves. MILADAR is used in the phase of 4-10 leaves of maize until the moment we screen the weeds with crops. Optimal conditions for the application of the herbicide are warm weather (15-25 ° C) with optimum soil and air humidity.
  • Recommended tank mixtures:
    Miladar 1,25 l/ha + Agent 0,6 l/ha + surfactant “Tandem” 0,15 l per 100 liters of water;
    Miladar 1,25 l/ha + Goliath 1,2 l/ha + surfactant “Tandem” 0,15 l per 100 l of water.
    It is not recommended to use the drug under unfavorable conditions (cold or hot weather, excessive moisture and in a period when the weeds are in a depressed state). If there is an excessive amount of precipitation within 7-10 days after spraying, a possible re-emergence of the root system of cereal weeds species is possible. For 7 days before or after application of the preparation, do not perform inter-row cultivation. Do not use the drug at temperatures below 10°C and above 25°C. It is not recommended to use the drug under unfavorable conditions (in cold or very hot weather, with excessive moistening and during the period when the weeds are in a depressed state), and also when the plants are wet after precipitation
  • Toxicity: WHO classification: 3-rd hazard class.
  • The timeframe for workers to enter the treated areas for mechanized works is 3 days, for manual ones, they do not need.
  • The advantages of the drug:
    systemic highly effective herbicide for the destruction of cereals and some dicotyledonous weeds in corn crops;
    herbicide “instantaneous” action;
    wide “technological window” in application: from 4 to 10 leaves of culture;
    complete absence of toxic effect on subsequent crops in crop rotation;
    harmless to the environment.

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1l, 5l