
Home Fungicides Phenomenon


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Universal contact-systemic fungicide of preventive and curative action with a multi-vector mechanism of action on pathogens of fruit and berry plantations

Active substance: Kaftan, 780 g/kg + flutriafol, 20 g/kg

Preparative form: Water-dispersible granules

Toxicity: WHO classification: hazard class 3. The time for workers to enter the treated areas for manual and mechanized work is 7/3 days.

Chemical group: Phthalimides + triazoles

SKU: N/A Category:


  • Compatibility

Compatible with other pesticides and agrochemicals that have a neutral reaction. Before preparing working mixtures, it is advisable to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, stratification, whipping into heaps, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.). It is not recommended to mix with oil-based pesticides and Bordeaux mixture.

  • Maximum number of treatments per season – 4.
  • The waiting period from the last treatment to harvesting fruit crops is 40 days.
  • The rate of application of the working solution: fruit crops – 500-1000 l/ha; vineyards – 500-800 l/ha; field crops – 200-300 l/ha.


  • Features of application

An important factor for achieving high efficiency of the preparation is uniform and high-quality spraying of the entire surface of cultivated plants without running off the working solution. The best result is achieved with preventive use of the fungicide (from the “green cone” phase and ending with the beginning of ripening of fruits and berries).

After treatment, the caftan creates a precipitation-resistant protective layer on the surface of plants, reliably inhibiting the germination of spores and sporulation of pathogens, and flutriafol is quickly absorbed and acropetally moves along the plant to new growths. The consumption rates of the working solution must be selected depending on the phase of crop development, the age of the plantings and the degree of disease development. Minimum consumption rates are used at the beginning of the growing season and with a low infection background, maximum – with intensive development of the leaf surface and with a high infection background.

Spraying is carried out at a wind speed of up to 5 m / s. The interval between treatments is 7-14 days, depending on hydrothermal conditions. Optimum temperature conditions for spraying are 8-25 ° C.

  • Advantages of the preparation:
    effective control of scab and powdery mildew;
    preventive and therapeutic properties;
    multi-vector mechanism of action;
    an indispensable product in anti-resistance programs

Additional information


1kg, 5kg