
Home Herbicides Queen Star Max

Queen Star Max

45,00 210,00 

Selective postemergence herbicide systemic action for the destruction of annual and perennial grass weeds in crops of many crops.

  • Active substance: Quizalofop-P-ethyl, 125 g/l.
  • Form of preparation: Concentrate, emulsifying.
  • Chemical group: Derivatives of aryloxyphenoxypropionic acids.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with most pesticides and agrochemicals, except alkaline, in appropriate crops. Before preparing the working mixtures, it is advisable to check the preparations for compatibility (absence of sediment, foam, stratification, whipping in the bed, incomplete dissolution of one of the preparations, etc.).
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  • Mechanism of action: Herbicide of systemic action. The active substance of the preparation is absorbed by the terrestrial part of the plants and quickly spreads through it, reaching the zones of direct action, thus destroying the synthesis of fatty acids, which leads to the death of weeds.Spectrum of action: Common oats, Sorghum Alep, millet chicken, foxtail, common lichen, bristle (species), oats sowing, chaff, bloody red-blooded, wheat-grass, creeping, swine, half-flowering millet, wheat and barley carrion, sorghum bicolour, ryegrass pasture.

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  • The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: one. The waiting period from processing to harvesting is not established.
  • The rate of application of the working solution: 150-250 l/ha; 2,0-3,0 l/100m². To prepare the working mixture, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode should be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture.
  • Recommendation: The treatment should be carried out during the onset of intensive growth of weeds. It is important that they have enough leaves to quickly absorb the active substance. Spraying of annual weeds is carried out in the phase of 2-4 leaves, perennial – at a height of up to 10-15 cm. Optimal conditions for the application of QUEEN STAR MAX are warm weather (15-25 ° C) with optimal soil and air humidity combined with high-tech processes protective measures. It is not recommended to use in tank mixtures with anti-dicotyledons herbicides on the appropriate crops. The interval between treatments in such cases should be at least 3-5 days. It is not recommended to conduct inter-row soil cultivation within 7 days before or after application of QUEEN STAR MAX. Do not spray 2-3 hours before or precipitation. It is not recommended to use the drug under unfavorable conditions (in cold or very hot weather, with excessive moistening and at a time when the weeds are in a depressed state), and when the plants are wet after precipitation.
  • Toxicity: WHO classification: 3 hazard class.
  • The timeframe for workers to enter the treated areas for mechanized works is 3 days, for manual ones – 7 days after treatment.
  • The advantages of the drug:
    ideally solves the problem of weed infestation with grass weeds;
    extremely “soft” impact on a cultivated plant;
    absence of aftereffects on subsequent crops in crop rotation;
    high efficiency of destruction of grain crops;
    due to the extended validity period can be used in a wide range of growth phases of crops;
    the optimum ratio of price and quality.

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