- Mechanism of action: Translaminar and local-systemic action. The uniqueness of this drug lies in the fact that it consists of two active substances, which in a successful combination complement each other and prolong the duration of the protective and therapeutic action of the drug. Cymoxanil penetrates through the leaves, redistributed in the tissues of plants in all its cells (translaminar effect). It has a therapeutic and antisporulational action, stops the metabolic process of the fungus, slows down and stops the life processes that take place in the cells. Cimoxanil destroys the developing pathogen even 1-2 days after infection. Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide of protective, therapeutic and eradicating effects. It suppresses active postinfectious stages of fungal development, prevents sporulation and provides protection of untreated parts of plants and new growth.
- The maximum multiplicity of treatments per season: 3.
- Waiting period from last processing to harvesting:
– tomatoes – 14 days;
– potatoes – 20 days;
– Grapes – 30 days. - The rate of application of the working mixture:
– Field crops – 200-300 l/ha (2.0-3.0 l/100m²);
– Vineyards – 500-800 l/ha (5,0-8,0 l/100m²).
To prepare the working mixture, the spray tank (knapsack sprayer) is filled with clean water for 1/3 part of the volume with the mixing mode switched on and the necessary calculated amount of the preparation is added to the water tank to the full volume. When spraying, the blending mode must be switched on to maintain uniformity of the working mixture. - Recommendation: The best result is provided when the drug is used prophylactically or at early stages of infection development – before the appearance of visible symptoms of disease. Preventive treatments against primary infection are carried out at the beginning of the growing season, additional treatments are performed to prevent the spread of the disease or when its first signs appear with an interval between treatments of 8-12 days, depending on the development of the disease and the weather conditions. At a high risk of disease (rain conditions), it is necessary to shorten the intervals between treatments (8 days). During the season 2-3 sprays are carried out, beginning with the early phases of plant growth. Given the biology of potato and tomato late blight causative agents, mildew grapes, repeated treatments are planned in advance, especially with favorable pathogens for hydrothermal conditions. In vineyards, because of the possible threat of severe damage, and also under favorable conditions for the development of pathogens, it is recommended that the application rate be increased to 1.0 kg / ha or 20 mg per 10 liters of water.
The qualitative preparation of the working mixture and the coating of plants during spraying, the use of tank mixtures with liquid nitrogen fertilizers increase the effectiveness of the drug. It is advisable to conduct the treatment under favorable weather conditions (absence of precipitation and considerable dew, air temperature from 15 to 25°C). - Toxicity: WHO classification: 3-rd hazard class.
- The timeframe for workers to enter the treated areas for mechanized works is 3 days, for manual ones – 7 days after treatment.
- The advantages of the drug:
has a therapeutic and action prevents the formation of spores;
suppresses active postinfectious stages of fungal development, prevents sporulation;
provides protection of untreated parts of plants and new growth;
highly effective protects sunflower crops from the most common and harmful fungal diseases;
exhibits a long protective effect;
minimal risks of resistance (stability) of pathogens.